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Woman Baking

Works in Progress

Woman's Work Video Production:
Ordinary Women - Extraordinary Lives

Grossman is producer and director for a documentary series work in progress:


Woman’s Work: A Taste of Life (in production)

Woman’s Work: A Miracle Every Hour (in production)

Woman’s Work: Jane's Story (in production)

A Tase of Life
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Woman's Work Video Production: A Taste of Life

Woman's Work Video Productions: A six-part series on the history of food and recipes. This is a select from the Trailer. In pre-production. (The full Trailer is available on request to qualified parties from Grossman).

Woman's Work Video Production:
A Miracle Every Hour, A documentary look into the world of the beauty salon
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Woman's Work Video Production: A Miracle Every Hour, A documentary look into the world of the beauty salon.    

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Woman's Work Video Production:

Woman's Work Video Production: Jane's story, a rough cut and part a show in development. 

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